Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ode to November

November 2009 ended for me in Chicago where I spent the last week assisting in my parents transitions to a nursing center, cleaning out their home and celebrating Thanksgiving. As children we were always taught that behind every dark cloud there is a silver lining. This blog is about the silver lining.
My parents are adjusting to their new living environment, they are safe and
being cared for 24 - 7 and for that I am truly Thankful! My sister and I managed to meet our deadline for moving my parents and have begun the process of decorating my parents' new suite. My nephew and his dear wife prepared a scrumptious Thanksgiving feast, and for that and for them I am Thankful!
Thanksgiving dinner was rather informal, after visiting the parents we went to my sister's house
and my nephew and his wife arrived shortly thereafter with the meal. He brimmed the turkey, and it was juicy and very flavorful and oh so delicious! My niece (nephew's wife) made a cranberry relish that was to die for; it was sweet, tangy and had zest and freshness that only citrus provides! My sister made cornbread dressing, my favorite Thanksgiving side, and gravy from the turkey drippings. Thanksgiving was perfect, the only missing parts was my husband and son in San Francisco holding down the forth until I return!
Like the weather life has seasons, as we move into December we will see what life has in store. December 3rd we will kick off the birthday month in my family celebrating my sister's birthday so stay tuned to hear about the birthday celebration....
Seasons Greetings!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, it was a great day for giving thanks! I have been enjoying your point of view on here. Keep writing!